


Grand Opening of the Taiwan Stock Museum

The only and first Taiwan Stock Museum was opened on 24th December, 2012 in Taipei. The museum was designed and established by Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation (TDCC) to preserve the historical records of the physical stock certificates and development of Taiwan securities market.

There are a total of five exhibition sections in the Stock Museum. In the Introduction Section, visitors are introduced to various aspects of the securities market and learn more about what stocks are. The next part of the museum is Inception Section including information and historical overviews of the world's, China's and Taiwan's first stock certificates. In the Continuation Section, the most influential and far-reaching single stock issuance and listing as well as Taiwan's economic growth and development of the securities market are introduced. The Transformation Section features an interactive theater which explains the evolution of shares and the securities market. The 5th is Incorporation Section introducing the concept of centralized securities depository mechanism to visitors and explaining the trends, development and prospects of dematerialization.

We hope the museum will give visitors the chance to learn more about Taiwan securities market in a fun way while also garnering a better understanding of its history and development. The museum also boasts a valuable collection of precious historical artifacts and related literature, which bear witness to history and help to promote financial literacy and educate the public.

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